"I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety."
--William Shakespeare


Total Count: 192
View : 1 - 20 | 21 - 40 | 41 - 60 | 61 - 80 | 81 - 100 | 101 - 120 | 121 - 140 | 141 - 160 | 161 - 180 | 181 - 192 |

Sign Our Guestbook!!
Name: Marilyn and Dick Bernhardt
From: Roseville, CA
Time: 2004-05-31 07:23:30
Comments: We had a rather lethargic start to the Jazz Jubilee yesterday and were waiting for the High Sierra band to start at the Fireside lot when you lunatics appeared. What a jolt! THANKS....We deliberately caught your set at the Beer Garden later and enjoyed it so very much. By the way, I noticed you don't have a triangle player. Are you taking applications??!

Name: Debbie Rice
From: Sacramento (originally Loomis, CA)
Time: 2004-05-30 00:09:54
Comments: Just got home from the Sac. Jazz Jubilee!! My 13 year old son, my husband and I LOVED it. We see you every year! ****I went to Del Oro High School in Loomis from 1971-1975 and I remember when it was the Kazoo Band and you performed in our Homecoming Parades through "downtown" Loomis when you started, 1973, 1974, 1975.......How many are still there from the original band??

Name: Nora Barnett
From: earth, usa, CA, PA,;stan and june
Time: 2004-05-16 14:42:34
Comments: See ya at the jazz jubilee

Name: hengank malone
From: el centro, ca.
Time: 2004-05-08 13:15:25
Comments: are you guys gonna be up in graeagle on sun. july 4th for the MVID parade? this will be the 15th time i've seen you guys in that parade. have the beer ready at the firehall!

Name: Big Mac
From: Maternity Ward
Time: 2004-04-29 23:53:20
Comments: This is in response to Bryan from England... I notice you found our site by accident. Please don't feel bad. Ophir members have LOTS of accidents. I don't know where that stolen property or money came from. REALLY! And for the life of me, I NEVER met that woman before. I don't care what the tests say.

Name: Bryan Dion
From: Poole, England
Time: 2004-04-13 09:37:54
Comments: I only came across your website by accident (I am sure more things happen that way than I am aware of) But was curious to verify the orignations of the Band. I remember seeing your group at San Juan High School in 1973. The band leader conducted the group with a toilet plunger. Does your group trace its lineage back to those roots?

Name: Bethany (Lehn)
From: Sacto originally
Time: 2004-01-20 14:46:01
Comments: Uncle Ken Lehn told me that Jeremy Eberhart was married and has a kid! Congrats Jeremy! Since I visited my grandma&pa, I thought about my childhood, and most of my best memories were all with Ophir. I miss you all bunches--even those that have dropped out of the band. You're the best!!!

Name: Mike Kochis
From: Grass Valley
Time: 2003-10-09 16:28:33
Comments: At the 4th of July parade in Grass Valley, I was handed a beer by trombone holder ( I never saw him playing that damn thing) Ken Lehn. As alcohol posession on a public street is illegal in Grass Valley, I was promptly ticketed and removed from the parade. I go to trial in late October and am requesting that I have representation at my judical fuction as I am unable to afford such said legal council. This would not be a problem if Lehn had given me a decent brew and not a can of Bud!

Name: Gray Davis
Website: GD Excuse for a Governor
From: Sacramento
Time: 2003-09-29 23:52:57
Comments: Okay, boys, the clock is ticking and I have yet to receive any er, "contributions" from you. You know how my administration works: Send me the cash, and you'll be out in a flash!

Name: Jeff the Low Brass Guy
From: Auburn, Ca
Time: 2003-09-29 17:26:55
Comments: I am interested in auditioning for your group. I spoke with one of your fine musicians at the Citrus Heights Sunday Funday and was impressed with your family-like atmosphere. Thanks again, and by the way, has anyone heard from a Sax player by the name of Steve Hess? I was first introduced to your group quite a few years ago by him, and I have been living in the area for approx. 8 years. I would like to get in touch with him, as it has been about 15 years. Thanks, Jeff

Name: Cruz Bustamante
From: San Joaquin, CA
Time: 2003-09-26 21:08:26
Comments: As candidates enter the senatorial race to become Senator, I am a candidate in the gubernatorial race to become California's next Goober!

Name: Larry Flint
From: Hollywood
Time: 2003-08-27 11:20:36
Comments: Ahhhghh. My position on that is...well, no pun intended...maybe I shouldn't say what my favorite postion is with those nice inmates. I got a joke...what is the difference between Gary Davis and a prostitute? At least the prostitute performs for 20 bucks.

Name: Gary Coleman
Time: 2003-08-27 11:13:40
Comments: I'll keep this short. Whacha talkin' 'bout Davis? By the way Rufus, do you know any of my former co-workers?

Name: Arnold Schwarzenegger
From: California via Austria
Time: 2003-08-27 10:57:20
Comments: I want to clear up something about the Ophir Prison Band. I've seen the band several times, and I can vouch for the inmates. They really pump me up. As Governor of California, I would pardon them from their current sentences and make them the official band of the State of California. By the way Rufus, thanks for the donation of beer to my campaign.

Name: Gray Davis
From: Sacramento
Time: 2003-08-25 16:11:18
Comments: I may be forced to pardon most of the state prison inmate population to ward off my recall, but I have to draw the line somewhere. Your organization is not fit to be out on the streets, and... well, wait a minute, here... just how much money can you donate?

Name: Charla
From: Sacramento, CA
Time: 2003-07-07 10:56:32
Comments: Rufus: The "Duck" from the Jazz Festival and the CD's made it to Iraq. Brian said to say "Thank you" and that he is glad to see that you guys are "Keeping up the moral back home". He also said to tell you that he is turning the bands name into the Army Recruiter for the Army Marching Band so that "You guys can become useful members of society". Keep up the good work and thanks again!!! Charla

Name: Donna
From: Elk Grove, CA
Time: 2003-05-27 09:23:00
Comments: Watching and participating as part of the audience, was such a blast last Saturday night in the Beer Garden! Most impressive was the drummer...he was awesome! Thanks so much for the great entertainment and giving me an opportunity to kick up my heels for a bit! Hope to see you again and have a "beer" with you!

Name: Randy Stevens
From: Sacramento
Time: 2003-05-26 21:01:25
Comments: We really enjoyed your performance this year (2003) at the Old Town Jazz festival in Sacramento. You were in rare form and were definitely a crowd pleaser! Can we send you some pictures of your performance for your web page? We took quite a few with the digital camera that came out very well. With best regards, Randy and Judi

Name: earl bennett
From: lakewood co
Time: 2003-05-26 21:01:18
Comments: ok i am naive admittedly..saw u sun 5/25 sacto jazz no wsy are you really prisoner .. how stupid of me

Name: Scoop
From: Cellblock 6
Time: 2003-05-04 15:26:50
Comments: Geez, Brian, you must have left early! Stick around longer next time and you can watch us fall down, too!

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