Total Count: 192 View : 1 - 20 | 21 - 40 | 41 - 60 | 61 - 80 | 81 - 100 | 101 - 120 | 121 - 140 | 141 - 160 | 161 - 180 | 181 - 192 |
Sign Our Guestbook!! Name: Marya Website: From: Sacramento CA Time: 2002-05-25 23:11:57 Comments: I saw you guys at the '02 Jazz Festival...you ROCK! (okay, you bang and blow and buzz, but you know what I mean...) Thanks oh-so-much for making the day a delight...and remember: never, NEVER pick up the soap! *wink* ~Marya~
Name: Oddjob Website: From: Time: 2002-05-25 22:43:55 Comments: Only two words can describe the gig you guys played at the Freeway Gardens in Old Sacramento for the Jazz Jubilee . . . H O L Y S * * * ! ! ! The band sounded nothing less than AWESOME. I have never before witnessed an audience worked up to such a frenzy. You guys kicked some major butt tonight. Big ups to you all!!
P. S. I don't know if you guys heard up on stage, but the audience were singing their hearts out while you were playing (e.g. Beer Barrel Polka, etc.).
Name: Hardtime Website: From: Time: 2002-05-25 08:40:06 Comments: I don't know about you guyz, but that one-two punch of "America the Beautiful" followed by Sing-Sing-Sing was too much for me... I had so much water in my eyes I couldn't see the frickin music.. must be not enough beer that makes me all sentimental like that but I couldn't face those 500 faces all singing... it would be a much better show if we could do that without blubbering like a buncha babies... The band sounded pretty good from where I was sitting (3 or 4 blocks away...) and tempos must have been under control because I could actually hear individual notes. This is desperately close to being a respectable band!
By the way, whattya think about Ophirs playing a game of "name that tune" with the audience? ..starting with old TV sitcom themes?
Name: Sherry Moura Website: From: Auburn, CA Time: 2002-05-21 17:10:46 Comments: I have not seen you guys play yet, but I know if Irv Mazur is in your group you MUST be
good and a very fun bunch. Look forward to hearing you toot a few tunes!!
Name: Grabster Website: From: Cellblock G Time: 2002-05-20 10:59:25 Comments: Hey... I was practicing the lyrics for Allegaroo..... I've got the lyrics list here in front of me... but can't find the part about "tying the runt in a knot". Is it really there or were you guys just making it up as you went along??
Name: Rus Website: From: Tuba Hell Time: 2002-05-03 17:34:57 Comments: OK wiseguys, make fun of my accordion will you? Go ahead, yuck it up. Ordinarilly, I wouldn't glorify your pathetic attempt at comedy with a retort, but...
There once was a guy with a sqeeze-box,
An accordion most buxom and fit.
With so much to squeeze,
Makes one weak in the knees.
For it plays like a gargantuan tit.
Name: Scott "Ophir Prison Stud" Skinner Website: From: Way Out There Time: 2002-05-01 19:34:16 Comments: With the band 1975 to 1978? I drink I was thunk then, so i can't remember okay? Jeeze i'm only one person!!!!
I played tenor drum then, sometimes a cymbal. Then another drink o' beer. Wow, 24 years ago!! And one long drink!! Anyway, the true confidential story about me can be had via Rufus. Long time no see, so like, "Hi".
Name: Tiko Website: From: The Doghouse Time: 2002-04-22 09:55:04 Comments: Hey, Rus -- What's the difference between an accordion and a trampoline? A: You're supposed to take off your shoes before you jump on a trampoline.
Name: Cagy Website: From: Ophir Prison Time: 2002-04-08 16:16:11 Comments: Hey, who is this "Gloria" person, and why are we always singing about her beard? You know the song: "Gloria's, Gloria's, Gloria's, Gloria's, Gloria's, Gloria's beard." Sounds kinda scary, if ya' ask me...
Name: Lenny Sundermeyer Website: From: Costa Mesa CA Time: 2002-03-29 19:44:54 Comments: Did you ever do time with my wayward relatives Jake E. (Joliet Jake)Blues or Elwood J. Blues?
Name: Marian Website: From: Time: 2002-03-17 18:45:32 Comments: Hi Ken, I finally got around to looking at you guy's web site. pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing you at some of your performances. See you at work.
Name: Lola Website: From: Another World, Baby ! Time: 2002-02-21 22:06:35 Comments: Why don't you have any pics of CURLY on your web site?
He sure is a good lookin inmate !
Bring on MORE CURLY in 2002 !!!
Name: Kenneth Lay, former Chairman Website: Enron Corporation From: Houston, TX Time: 2002-02-15 15:31:20 Comments: Hey, do y'all ever need a substitute Dum Major? I have a lot of experience leadin' a band of criminals, and there's a chance I may be sharin' a cell with one of ya' later this decade. What do ya' think? I promise you won't be mislead...
Okay, now I'm pleadin'...
Name: Kakio Website: From: Way beyond Cool, Ca Time: 2002-01-27 11:58:06 Comments: vp vp vp voop, vp vp vp voop, vp vp vp voop voop voop voop voop. That is the dance of the wax paper pipers! Please learn it and play it for my birthday!
Vy, vy!
Name: Bonnie Castleberry Website: From: Originally from Sac, El Dorado County currently Time: 2001-12-29 17:45:49 Comments: YOUR BAND IS FANTASTIC..........ENJOY SEEING YOU PERFORM.
Name: Irv Mazur Website: From: my mother and father Time: 2001-11-21 16:49:02 Comments: Had a great time at rehearsal last Sunday. Wild and crazy bunch of guys and outstanding musicians!!Only problem, laughed too much and my face hurts. I know, it's killing every one else!! That's it. Excited about playing with this group!
Name: Kathleen Website: From: England Time: 2001-09-10 20:37:36 Comments: Thanks for a brilliant performance at Nevada City 9/9/2001. WE met again at the Mine Shaft - great fun!
Hope to see you all again sometme. Good Luck.
Name: banner gril [ connie ] Website: From: Time: 2001-09-10 16:18:42 Comments: hey u guy's ROCK in sac. it was so fun seeing u all at the parade {9.10.01} hope u call me when u knead at banner girl. so do what all the people say drink more beer
Name: Choo Website: From: Time: 2001-09-08 22:30:30 Comments: It tough being paroled on the "outside". Please, "Open the doors, let me in"
Name: Lori Massey Website: From: Ohio Time: 2001-08-05 19:19:48 Comments: