Total Count: 192 View : 1 - 20 | 21 - 40 | 41 - 60 | 61 - 80 | 81 - 100 | 101 - 120 | 121 - 140 | 141 - 160 | 161 - 180 | 181 - 192 |
Sign Our Guestbook!! Name: Bill Bua Website: From: Sacramento Time: 2001-01-01 16:38:29 Comments: What's the difference between a trombone player and a large pizza? A large pizza can feed a family of four.
Name: Gertrude and Charles Long Website: From: Carmichael,CA Time: 2000-12-21 14:35:27 Comments: Boy those Eberhart guys sure can toot a horn.
Name: Jenny Houston Website: From: Marin County, California Time: 2000-12-21 10:01:05 Comments: Well, this is certainly a 'brassy' group! Happy tootin.
Name: Mike Marvick Website: From: Vacaville Time: 2000-12-10 12:13:08 Comments: You guys need to drink more beer and loosen up a little, you would have more fun!!!
Name: Jennifer Bangham Website: From: Napa Time: 2000-12-03 12:38:19 Comments: Cool site! Hi Uncle Neil!
Name: Bill Egleston Website: From: Ocala, Florida Time: 2000-12-01 13:45:12 Comments: Very interesting - enjoyed your website Keep on jazzin'.....K4BME..73
Name: Rus the Tuba-jockey Website: boatiq.com From: My mother and my father Time: 2000-10-21 11:57:31 Comments: Dear "Ask Dr. Rufus",
I often play my instument when I' alone, as my wife is often away. I see no harm in it.
Lately, though, I've had trouble concentratiing. Sometimes it takes almost an hour to finish. I have
tried using a mirror, more oil, playing faster, and visualization teqhniques, but nothing really
does the trick, so to speak.
This is really embarassing, but I don't know where else to turn. Please help.
Name: SCREECH #OU812 Website: From: OPHIR PRISON Time: 2000-10-17 21:27:07 Comments: If the ocean were beer and I were a duck I would swim to the bottom and never come up.
But the ocean aint beer and I aint a duck so I'll play jack of diamends and try out my luck.
I'ts beff steak when I'm hungry and beer when I'm dry and if a tree dont fall on me I'll live till i die!!!!
Screech # OU812
Name: John "the Boss" Lillie Website: Why me From: Whocares Time: 2000-10-09 19:17:39 Comments: I came, I saw, I went
Name: screech ID# 0U812 Website: LET ME OUT From: OPHIR PRISON,CA Time: 2000-10-04 19:45:40 Comments: ROSES ARE RED VIOLETS ARE BLUE I'M DOING TIME FOR SNIFFING GLUE.
PS. Hope to see all of you soon!
LMO: "Let Me Out"
Name: Rooky Website: From: Cell block 3A, cell #15, bunk B Time: 2000-10-02 08:53:11 Comments: I'd like to apply for a new job. I'm tired of being the soap go-fer. You'd think the guys would get tired of having only one person do the same job over and over again. It's really difficult breaking out to run to the store to get more soap. Any ideas on what job I should apply for?
Name: AXEL Website: Prison Fun From: Planet Puppy Time: 2000-09-27 10:32:59 Comments: Are there now three Ophir Prison Band websites? They have had me in the hole for the last 6 months and finally let me out! It looks like there is activity on 1 of them... how about getting rid of the other two? It takes me too long on the prison computer to look up all of them. I'm gonna get caught again!